Writing content is by no means a simple and easy task. It’s a kind of art. And every art requires talent. To win over the competition and mesmerize your readers, there are some content writing metrics you must always monitor. In the following lines we are going to share with you 5 of them.
1. Relevance – one of the most important content writing metrics
Does your audience find the content you are sharing relevant, valuable and creative? Is your content helping you grow your audience? This is one of the most important content writing metrics that can easily be measured by tracking the number of shares your posts get.
Yes, it is no secret that there are alphabet truths. But there are also things that change extremely quickly. For this purpose, you must be very well informed on the subject. At the same time, the information should be presented in an intriguing way. You must show out-of-the-box thinking and provide fresh, actionable ideas.
2. Competency
A basic rule is to be extremely knowledgeable about the subjects you are writing about. Today’s readers have vast amounts of information at their disposal and can very easily verify the credibility of what you write. Therefore, you cannot afford gross mistakes and significant gaps in your knowledge.
Grammatical errors are also unacceptable. These question your literacy in general. And hence your authority of capacity in the field. If you are not sure about your spelling, it is good to use a suitable application for the purpose. Competency is among the most important content writing metrics that can be evaluated by the number of positive comments underneath the blog article.
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3. Social media shares – among the most important content writing metrics
It is hard to imagine modern times without social media. Therefore, it is good to use them to your advantage. They are extremely suitable for publishing and promoting your content. The idea is to determine your target audience and adapt the content of the materials accordingly.
Social sharing doesn’t have to be limited to blogs. It is also recommended that you create social media campaigns that link to gated landing pages. This way, you can grow your contact list and use segmentation to group these users into relevant automated email campaigns.
These prospects have already shown a genuine interest in what you have to say and offer, so it’s important to do everything you can to take advantage of these opportunities once they’re in your database.
This is a time when most of your potential customers are just entering your “territory”, so you need to provide them with the most useful content possible. To get them interested in your products and services to a point where they share and re-share your posts with their social friends.
4. Originality
No matter how serious you are about the things you write, there is always room for a “few specks” of humor. And when the topic allows it – why not for a few pinches. This will refresh your style and make it recognizable. There is a lot of information on the Internet on the most diverse topics.
But the way it is presented is very important to whether it will be read or not. Also, let’s not forget the wide range of emotions that your creativity should affect. If you reach the souls of your readers, you will reach their minds! The reverse is also true.
How can you measure this metric – easy! By the number of minutes readers spend on your article and the number of returned visitors.
5. Backlinks – in the top 5 of the content writing metrics you must monitor
Backlinks are important because they have a huge impact on your organic search rankings, and this is where you want to excel to get maximum attention for your content and improve brand recognition.
Measuring the amount of earned backlinks that point to your content shows the strength and growth of your assets. Conversely, if your content has few backlinks, it could mean that people aren’t finding value in what you’ve posted. This way, you can get an overall picture of your main source of traffic and the different types of content that get the most clicks from all channels.
Final thoughts
By following these few simple principles and monitoring these 5 content writing metrics, you will be able to create up-to-date, competently written original articles with inspiration and creativity. Articles that your readers will love and share.
In the meantime, if you are looking for some help with your content, we are here for you! Feel free to contact us and learn more about our content writing services. You can find more info at Sylably.com or on our official Facebook page.
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